We learned of Blue Turtle in 2021 after my husband was hospitalized with pneumonia from Covid. Our homeopathic Dr told us about the Viral-200 and Emphysema spray products. When he left the hospital both of the lungs looked like shattered glass on the X-rays. We were afraid he was headed to a long term change in his lungs. We completed the antibiotics and then started the sprays. He was on oxygen for about 6 weeks and lost a lot of weight during that time. We continued for about 3 months with the sprays. Eventually we got rid of the oxygen, fattened him up, and by the 3-month mark the X-rays were clear. We are so thankful for the spray remedies. 2 years later and still no problems with lungs or breathing. Never even had to see a specialist. Thank you Blue Turtle for the great products.