An entirely natural range of homeopathic treatments/prophylaxis for chronic and tropical diseases

I did a lot of research before my trip to India and had heard that the vaccines were not good for you and also that they did not always work. So, I thought there was no good reason to take the vaccines. Also, they are VERY expensive. I searched and found Blue Turtle. I was in Israel two weeks before I went to India. I started the regimen with Dembarah, Hepatex, and Demal200 while I was there. I was careful to drink bottled water in India, but I drank their coffee and tea (I doubt it was made with bottled water.) The mosquitoes were delighted to see me and I had many bites during my visit. (The American mosquitoes don’t find me nearly as attractive as the Indian ones did.) I just want to say that I have a missionary friend who suffered greatly with Dengue Fever in Cambodia while taking all the conventional immunizations. My husband died of liver cancer due to having chronic Hepatitis B. So I wanted protection from everything. And, I GOT IT!!! I was sharing with another minister about my trip to India. She asked me if I was very ill while I was there. I told her I did not get sick. She told me that I am the first person she has ever heard of that went to India and did not get sick! I am not claiming to be the only person who ever did not get sick while visiting India, but I do know that Dembarah, Hepatex, and Demal200, bottled water, and the blessing of the Lord kept me from getting sick while I was there. OH! Also, the price of all three remedies was less than one Yellow Fever Immunization. I have recommended Blue Turtle in the past and will continue to do so. Good job! Thank you so much. The Lord bless you in your work…..

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