This year we travelled independently around a number of countries in Asia, equipped as in the past with Blue Turtle remedies, and again returned intact, healthy and free of all bugs. We have never had to use Blue Turtle remedies for treatment presumably because they have been so effective in a preventative capacity. Next year we shall be going to Malaysia and North Vietnam, armed with Demal200, Dembarah200, Typo200 and ImmunoStimulant. We have had no side-effects and we feel protected. Mosquitos seem to love me so I feel Blue Turtle acts in my defence. We always use ImmunoStimulant for long haul flights to ward off any nasty air flight bugs which tend to fly around the cabin. Our children, too, have used Blue Turtle remedies for their far-off travels to places including India, and likewise have always emerged with a clean bill of health. What price can you put on health? Blue Turtle remedies give you peace of mind when travelling.