Hello Andrew, After so long, I finally heard my doctor say the words: “You are healed”.. I could not believe my ears, so I asked him again and he repeated the same words. I had almost given up hope that that would ever happen for me. But I had to keep up with the treatment because I know it was helping me fight this virus, and it worked. I thank God for helping me come across your website on the internet and getting in touch with you. I thank you also for your kindness, as you sometimes gave me the products free. I really do appreciate that. I did ask my doctor to make another test, just for me to be sure, but he refused, because he saw no need to test again, seeing the result he now has, says I don’t have the virus any more. Two years ago, when the test showed that the HBS had gone down to 8, he was still warning me that I was still contagious to other people. So I have to accept and believe the result to be good. Thanks again Andrew. It was a long ride for me, but I am glad I stuck to it, and it has finally paid off. It was worth it. I will refer and make mention of your WebSite to others when ever possible, cause I know and believe the medicines work. Feel free to send me any new news or information you may have in the future. Take care and God bless. Truly Grateful, Agatha.